



亚洲博彩平台排名 University’s graduate certificate program in expressive and creative arts inspires positive transformation through the arts and creative expression. 我们充满活力的项目培训顾问, 治疗师, 社会工作者, 教育工作者, 艺术家, wellness practitioners and workshop leaders to integrate the expressive and creative arts with the helping professions.


我们的研究生证书课程采用整体的, 多模式的方法,以专业应用的表达和创造性的艺术, 专注于视觉艺术与运动的结合, 声音, 戏剧艺术和表达性写作. 通过指导学习和实践体验工作, 学生获得在咨询中实践表达和创造性艺术所需的技能, 治疗, 教育, 卫生保健, community organizing or any profession in which personal expression and creative development are essential.

课程在我们的新港校区提供,并以创新的混合形式提供, featuring intensive weekend workshops accompanied by independent study modules to further assimilate the learning and practice.



我们的低住院时间模式满足了您对时间的需求. Expressive and creative arts courses are available in an innovative hybrid model that combines weekend immersion workshops with independent study modules to further assimilate learning and practice.


通过亲身体验的工作, 高度个性化的建议和专业的职业规划, 亚洲博彩平台排名’s expressive and creative arts program supports students as they elevate their career aspirations in a wide range of helping professions.


采用整体和多模式的方法, 亚洲博彩平台排名’s vibrant program integrates the expressive and creative arts with the helping professions, 强调研究和实践,为毕业生提供更完整的工具箱来指导和激励他人.


亚洲博彩平台排名's graduate certificate in expressive and creative arts is designed for practitioners who hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and are seeking continued professional development. 建立表达艺术治疗和临床心理健康咨询的协同双重培训, 学生可以共同报名参加我们的咨询研究生课程之一. 获得学士学位的学生可获得研究生学习证书, while students with a master's degree and students who are co-enrolled in one of our master's degree programs pursue the Certificate of Advanced 研究生 Studies.


希望进入该计划的学生完成三个基础课程或参加 表现艺术学院, 一个三周, 表达艺术与创意艺术专业应用的非学分培训课程.


  • HLC535:表达声音和音乐入门
  • HLC582:作为转化的表达和创造艺术导论
  • HLC584:运动,创造力和意识:导论


  • HLC604:通过表达和创造性艺术的自我发现
  • HLC610:表达戏剧艺术和运动:一种多模式的方法来创造和转型
  • HLC611:表达与创意艺术的群体与个人应用
  • HLC613:表达性写作促进个人成长和转变
  • HLC615:利用富有表现力的声音/音乐和戏剧艺术来创造和治疗

This course offers an introduction to the uses of expressive 声音 and music as a vehicle for growth and transformation. 通过练习和讨论, 本课程探讨如何表达声音可以用来帮助释放紧张, 表达情绪,平静神经系统. 课堂体验利用各种基于声音的模式, 包括呼吸练习, 直言不讳的爽肤水, 深深的倾听, 节奏探索和即兴作为多式联运表达艺术方法的一部分. This course also introduces ways to adapt and utilize these practices with others in a variety of professional settings.

This course explores the expressive and creative arts as a therapeutic and 教育al tool for transformation, 自我发现, 物理治疗和意识的进化. 使用身心的内在意象语言, 学生学习如何访问, release and transform nonverbal sensate impressions of feelings and emotions through a variety of integrative arts processes. 通过动手练习, 学生开始认识到口头表达和意象表达的区别, 以及这种认知如何帮助解决思想和情感之间的冲突. This course also introduces ways to utilize the transformative process with others in a variety of professional settings.

This course introduces a variety of experiences to help students to develop a clearer understanding of the body/mind/spirit connection; to increase awareness of the creative, psychological and spiritual potential as revealed through the body; and to develop an understanding of each student’s unique tools and responsiveness through movement. Movement as an expression of and path toward increased consciousness is explored as part of an intermodal expressive arts approach. 学生s also explore ways of working with others as they work to access experiences which can then be processed and integrated for a more expressive and fully embodied life.

This course provides experiential opportunities for creative 自我发现 using various integrated expressive arts modalities. It offers discussion segments that explore the importance for our time and culture of engaging our connection to our own individual creativity and inner wisdom, 这样做会对个人和集体意识的成长产生影响. 主要强调的是使用个人过程的个人工作, 课堂讨论, 课外作业和自我发现创意/视觉日志的发展.  本课程采用混合形式, involving weekend experiential intensives along with guided study time for personal and professional integration.

This course offers opportunities for experiential work in the expressive and creative arts as applied to a variety of professions. 重点是表达运动和戏剧艺术的形式, 以视觉艺术与文字艺术的融合交织为方法的一部分. 多模态方法反映了一种表达方式通知另一种表达方式的方式, 所以对模式的相互作用有了更深的理解, 作为一个多式联运过程, 是另一个学习领域吗. 本课程采用混合形式, involving weekend experiential intensives along with guided study time for personal and professional integration.

This course explores central concepts and approaches to using the expressive and creative arts with groups and individuals along with the integration and application of this work. Participants have the opportunity to learn about the application of experiences with the expressive and creative arts in various settings, 并考虑各种群体的申请, 个人和社区层面. 学生学习如何设计和实施适当使用各种艺术形式的程序, 作为多式联运艺术方法的一部分, 包括运动, 声音, 写作和视觉艺术. 在专业兴趣的特定领域, 学生们为一个项目提出建议,展示该项目对特定群体或社区的好处. 本课程采用混合形式, involving weekend experiential intensives along with guided study time for personal and professional integration.

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of expressive writing as a transformational tool that can facilitate emotional, 身体和精神的治疗以及自我发现, 个人成长和冲突解决. 学生s learn how to adapt and integrate expressive writing into their own professional areas of specialization through class discussions and in-class writing exercises that emphasize an intermodal expressive and creative arts approach to writing. 本课程采用混合形式 involving weekend experiential intensives along with guided study time for personal and professional integration.

本课程着重于声乐探索和调音, 音乐元素的自我发现和社区建设, 创造力和音乐, 休闲音乐制作. This course combines theory with practical exercises that demonstrate how to incorporate the practices of 深深的倾听 and mindfulness into programs for healing and 教育. 通过讨论和利用声音和音乐为主的练习, students learn how to adapt and integrate elements of expressive 声音 and music into their own professional areas of specialization. 本课程采用混合形式, involving weekend experiential intensives along with guided study time for personal and professional integration.











课程由经验丰富的专业人士教授,他们是各自领域的专家. Instructors work one-on-one with students to follow their individual goals while serving as mentors for incorporating the training within a variety of professional pathways.




课程在每节课开始时单独收费. 请注意,每学期有60美元的注册费.



如果你的雇主为你支付全部或部分学费, 如有可能,我们会安排你的雇主直接付款.




我们的证书课程有资格获得联邦学生贷款. 要符合资格,你必须每学期完成两门课程.




