

亚洲博彩平台排名 University's bachelor's degrees in 历史 strive to increase students' understanding of the past in order to give them a better perspective on the contemporary world. 在研究方面的训练, 写作和分析, our majors are well prepared for graduate work as well as a variety of careers in such fields as education, 政府, 博物馆研究与商业.

Pursue Unique, Hands-On Experiences

While 亚洲博彩平台排名 emphasizes American and European 历史, students learn to appreciate our multicultural world through a variety of courses on non-Western regions. We encourage majors to immerse themselves in other cultures through study abroad programs in such diverse locations as Italy, 埃及, 法国和塞内加尔.

离家更近, we take full advantage of 亚洲博彩平台排名's location in Newport, a leading seaport in the Colonial and Revolutionary eras and a favorite summer destination for the wealthy during the Gilded Age. From courses on the religious 历史 of Newport to internship opportunities at historical societies, 档案馆和博物馆, 我们提供独一无二的, hands-on learning experiences in a living historical environment.

Students may also choose to double major in 历史 and 中等教育, which prepares them to apply for Rhode Island teacher certification for grades 7-12. 通过我们受欢迎的 加速程序, qualified undergraduates can earn their bachelor's degree in 历史 and a master's degree in international relations within five years.

Program Spotlight: Extraordinary Journey

European 历史 major 莎拉·克劳斯

在萨尔维·雷吉娜, the pursuit of knowledge often leads students on extraordinary journeys that transcend the walls of the classroom. 莎拉·克劳斯, a European 历史 major with a minor in cultural and historic preservation, has nurtured her passion for Irish 历史 through her recent study abroad program in Cork, 爱尔兰.

From the green hills of 爱尔兰 back to the cobblestone streets of Newport, Kraus has utilized her hands-on experience abroad to land internships with the Museum of Newport Irish 历史 and the Redwood Library. 


Our faculty are scholar-teachers whose areas of expertise include the American Revolution, the American immigrant experience and urban studies. In addition to providing world-class instruction, each of our faculty members has published a book with a leading university press.



A degree in 历史 develops students' analytical abilities and strengthens their research and writing skills. 亚洲博彩平台排名's curriculum prepares students for graduate programs, law school and a variety of career paths.


  • Teaching: 研究生s teach at the high school or middle school level, in public and private schools.
  • 博物馆, archives and public 历史: 研究生s are working in museums, historical societies and libraries.
  • Public service and 政府: 研究生s have served in federal and state agencies along with political organizations.
  • Business: 研究生s work in banks, 保险业, information technology companies and real estate agencies.


研究生s have pursued advanced degrees in law, 历史 and related fields such as archival studies or education at institutions such as:

  • 波士顿学院
  • 天主教神学院
  • Middlebury Institute of 国际 Studies
  • 纽约大学
  • 东北大学
  • 纽约州立大学
  • 萨福克大学
  • 杜兰大学
  • 康涅狄格大学
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学
  • 佛蒙特大学

 The 历史 program gave me such a diverse pool of educational content that I felt like I was ready to teach any area of 历史 after graduation. In my current position teaching AP U.S. 历史, I use so much of what I learned in class - I’m even using my old Salve notebooks to prepare lesson plans. 

Social studies teacher, Ponaganset High School



12门课程| 37学分


  • HIS113: 历史 of the United States to 1877
  • HIS114: 历史 of the United States Since 1877
  • HIS270:历史学家的手艺
  • HIS390: Historical Research Methods
  • HIS490:毕业论文顶点
  • 一门欧洲历史选修课
  • 一门非西方历史选修课
  • One cultural and historic preservation elective

Students also choose four of the following:

  • HIS225: Introduction to Public 历史
  • HIS251:美国的亚洲博彩平台排名
  • HIS299/399: Special Topics in American 历史
  • HIS313: American Immigrant Experience
  • HIS316: American Economic 历史
  • HIS320:美国革命
  • HIS321:美国内战
  • HIS322:美国城市
  • HIS336:越南战争
  • HIS340:战争史
  • 现代美国
  • HIS415: Modern American Foreign Policy
  • 美国总统



12门课程| 37学分


  • HIS113: 历史 of the United States to 1877 or HIS114: 历史 of the United States Since 1877
  • HIS201:欧洲1789-1914
  • HIS202:欧洲1914-1990
  • HIS270:历史学家的手艺
  • HIS390: Historical Research Methods
  • HIS490:毕业论文顶点
  • One cultural and historic preservation elective
  • 一门非西方历史选修课

Students also choose four of the following:

  • HIS203:希特勒和大屠杀
  • HIS306:现代德国
  • HIS308:现代法国
  • HIS309:现代俄罗斯
  • HIS310:现代英格兰
  • HIS311:现代爱尔兰
  • 现代意大利

Major in 历史 and Secondary Education (B.A.S.)


12门课程| 35学分

获得双学位, students complete the courses listed below and must also meet the requirements for 中等教育.


  • HIS080: Introduction to Geography
  • HIS103: Western Civilization I: 500 B.C.-1500 A.D.
  • HIS113: 历史 of the United States to 1877
  • HIS114: 历史 of the United States Since 1877
  • HIS270:历史学家的手艺
  • HIS390: Historical Research Methods
  • HIS490:毕业论文顶点

Students choose five additional courses in American 历史, European 历史 and non-Western 历史.



6门课程| 18学分


  • HIS113: 历史 of the United States to 1877 or HIS114: 历史 of the United States Since 1877

Students choose five additional courses in 历史, with a minimum of three in one concentration. At least three courses must be at the 200 level or higher.