

在索尔里贾纳大学, our bachelor's degree in theatre arts offers a foundational 教育 through a lens of equity and identity. 他们是否在学习戏剧, 演出的在演出中表演或设计演出的, 或者寻求为社区服务, 我们的学生学习戏剧作为积极改变的工具的价值. 同理心是我们戏剧艺术项目的核心, we foster an atmosphere for risk-taking and provide encounters that challenge students to dig for understanding and self-awareness.


Students who major or minor in theatre arts engage with three branches of curriculum, creating discovery-based pathways toward understanding the role of identity and representation in theater.

Dramatic literature courses connect students with cultures and 表演 styles from around the globe as well as with historically marginalized communities who have used theater to portray their experiences. 通过社区参与课程, students listen to those who have felt unheard and use theatrical means to collaborate and seek change. 制作课程侧重于表演, 技术设计, directing and playwriting equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice professionally.

亚洲博彩平台排名's theatre arts program empowers students to give back through their craft. It's about discovering who you are, who others are and what others need from you as a theater artist. 作为一个受大学使命启发的学术项目, we ask how theater can be of service and reflect on our own practices of equity, 身份和代表性——以及它们对世界的影响.



The theatre arts program's production of "The 圣经妇女计划" recently received three national awards from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival: Citizen Artist Award, 杰出表演团体和杰出设计戏剧.

“我为我们的学生们制作的大胆的节目感到骄傲, but the vulnerability and risk-taking that 'The 圣经妇女计划' cast had to do when they performed this show made me particularly humbled that they continued to give themselves to this work,”医生说。. 塔拉·布鲁克·沃特金斯,助理教授和项目协调员.



这是索尔维·里贾纳戏剧艺术课程历史上第一次, 22 students will perform on Broadway in a concert production of "伊甸之子,著名的斯蒂芬·施瓦茨的音乐剧.

"When I found out that our Salve cast would perform at the Lincoln Center with famous actors, it took me a moment to realize that I would actually be performing on Broadway – and when I told my parents, 他们感到无比自豪,戏剧艺术专业的马修·德索西说. “这是梦想成真."

Students interested in theater explore the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of theatrical productions through both analysis and 表演 experience. Our talented professors shape hybrid artists with a top-level theater 教育 designed for success in the boardroom, 法庭还是休息室.​




A broad liberal arts 教育 in theater produces graduates who are adaptable and self-directed and serves as a foundation for future development as thinking artists and productive citizens. 我们的毕业生为一生的感恩做好了充分的准备, 参与和进一步学习表演艺术. 我们的毕业生都在艺术领域取得了成功, 业务, 教育, 政府, 表演, 出版, 还有更多.

专业演员: 研究生s are members of the 演员s Equity Association and the Screen 演员s Guild and work across the country, 从纽约市到地方剧院再到百老汇巡演公司.

老师: 一些毕业生获得证书并在公共教室服务, 而其他人则在课外和暑期课程中教授艺术家. Some have started their own 教育al theater companies to bring interactive drama to students.

艺术管理员: 毕业生是市场总监, 资助大大小小的戏剧公司的作家和艺术经理.

研究生院: Students with a bachelor's degree in theatre arts are qualified to apply to graduate programs for the MFA in acting, 导演或设计或博士学位.D. 在戏剧史或戏剧学中. 其他人则在各种各样的学科中攻读研究生.


  • 演员
  • 艺术管理员
  • 社区艺术工作者
  • 戏剧的治疗师
  • 电台主持人
  • 舞台监督
  • 老师
  • 电视制作助理
  • 剧场导演



适合对写作感兴趣的学生, 导演或制作自己的作品, 怯场是一个可以做到这一切的地方. 每年, StageFright produces two student-run productions and has also organized playwriting festivals, 卡巴莱歌舞表演和工作坊关注艺术形式的不同方面, 例如舞台战斗或视点.

过去的节目包括《亚洲博彩平台排名》,“男人和洋娃娃。,”“亚当斯一家,“春醒”,和第25届普特南县年度拼字比赛.” Students from all disciplines are encouraged to participate in any way they choose, 包括指导, 表演与设计.



14门课程| 36-38学分


  • 第102课:表演基础
  • THE105:多元文化戏剧与表演
  • THE135:编剧才能
  • 第203课:声音和动作
  • 舞台管理
  • THE220:非裔美国戏剧或THE221:戏剧中的性别与性
  • THE246:戏剧与社区参与
  • THE364:导演
  • 戏剧理论与批评
  • THE399:专题
  • 第431课:戏剧作为一种职业
  • THE485:高级论文准备
  • 毕业论文设计

Students also choose two one-credit courses and one three-credit course from available concentrations or special topics. Majors are required to participate in a minimum of four mainstage productions, 两个在台上,两个在幕后.





  • 第102课:表演基础
  • THE135:编剧才能
  • THE246:戏剧与社区参与


  • THE105:多元文化戏剧与表演
  • THE220:非裔美国人戏剧
  • 第221课:表演中的性别与性

Students choose nine additional credits from a list of theatre arts offerings and in consultation with their advisor. 预计未成年人将参与两部主要舞台作品, 一个在台上,一个在幕后.


Students who wish to train as professional actors are highly encouraged to add the acting concentration. Professional theater companies seek actors who can interpret classical and modern texts like William Shakespeare, 安东·契诃夫和阿瑟·米勒, but they also insist that those same actors bring physical skills like clowning, 面具的工作, 观点和冲动信任. Students who pursue the acting concentration learn and practice an array of skills, from classical acting to movement theater to film and television 表演.

Requires an audition for acceptance or permission from the program coordinator. 


  • THE115:试镜
  • THE215:运动剧场
  • 第317课:表演中的现实主义
  • THE415:影视表演

Regular participation in THE360: Production may substitute for any of the above courses.

The musical theatre concentration is designed for students who wish to perform musical theater in a more professional manner. 学生在表演和音乐剧试镜中探索现实主义, 还有节奏爵士乐课程, 音乐剧、舞蹈, 音乐理论, 合唱. They may also opt to take private voice lessons or an additional dance course.

Requires an audition for acceptance or permission from the program coordinator.


  • dcn124:音乐剧舞蹈
  • dcn231:节奏生成的爵士风格和技巧
  • 音乐学1
  • 合唱和声乐方法
  • THE115:试镜
  • 第317课:表演中的现实主义

Students choose one additional dance studio course or vocal course to complete their remaining credits.

Students often enter college with a limited understanding of the many ways they can contribute behind the scenes. The technical theatre concentration develops foundational design and execution skills in set, 服装, 灯光,发型和化妆. Students can also receive credit for taking leadership roles in mainstage productions, 对于职业生涯初期的专业人士来说,哪些是必不可少的. Students who pursue the technical theatre concentration are well prepared for internships, 助理技术职位和MFA途径.

Requires an interview and portfolio presentation for acceptance or permission from the program coordinator.


  • 第231课:舞台和电影化妆
  • 服装和道具设计
  • THE368:戏剧制作
  • 第435课:风景和灯光设计